Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Old Tree

I chanced upon a desolate land
Not a living soul in sight;
Only a single,weathered lone tree
Stood in the midst of the arid gloom.

Tired, exhausted and wasted
I rested my aching legs;
Under the calm of the old soul,
An oasis in a burning desert.

A voice unto my ears came
Floating through the dry air;
Uttered my name, it did;
Amazed, glances around showed none.

Once again, the voice
Addressed me, it spake
"Fear me not, O' Child,
I mean thee no harm.
Only a eager ear do I yearn
To listen to my sad story."   

'Twas the tree that hath spoken, 
My wits, they stood at their ends.
Continued the tree, no response sought.
"Long ago, when the earth was green
And the sky blue, so unlike today
I had many a friend to revel with."

"Man, then, was yet to be born,
Nature made you last of all
To enjoy the fruits of her labour;
You are a young tribe, abound 
In what all of us lacked.

Used your resources, Us too you did !
You delighted your senses and throve;
Not a care in the world,
Not a care about the world, about us.

Soon you outgrew us all,
Nature made you too good;
You worried not for her;
Now, she, herself, is ailing.

We resent you not, juvenile you are;
You err whilst you learn,
But mistakes aplenty you made;
And brought us to a pass.

We would fade away,leaving 
Your command over the earth;
But not long will your merriment last,
Without us, concise your stay will be."

"So take heed, My Child
For I speak for your well-being;
You are nature's best creation
Don't let yourself become your own fall." 

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